
Healing Through Minimalist

When I was a child, I remember being busy around my parent’s home cleaning and organizing. It was not until everything was neatly tucked away, cleaned, and organized that I could then sit and watch my favorite cartoon on Saturday mornings; this was my Saturday morning ritual. As I reflect, Saturday mornings were one of the rare moments when I felt peace.

Living in a house where serenity was abnormal and turmoil was typical, cleaning soothed me. Having my physical environment as organized as I possibly could, rocked me like a baby and eased the unrest that I always felt. Even with the work that I did in my physical environment, I still had little control over making myself feel better. This was because I couldn’t very well rid my parent’s house of items that I thought we no longer needed just because it made me feel at peace.

As I reflect on my childhood, I now understand that I knew what I needed to bring healing to me socially and emotionally. My intuition guided me when I couldn’t articulate my needs. It’s like a child sucking their thumb to soothe themself. Minimalist comforted me, and then was the beginning of the journey.

Minimalism still soothes me and gives me peace. I chose to live with only the items that bring me joy and that I need to survive. When my physical space, whether at work or home, becomes excess, I have to let things go. Letting go of things that no longer serve me opens the door for the Universe to place into life what I need at the moment.

I continue to heal and grow with minimalism. I hope this helps someone. Remember to create a safe place for children. Thanks for reading. Peace and Love, until next time.

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